Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Self Realization: The Key to Achieve Long Lasting Inner Peace

Have you ever tried to figure out the concepts which revolve around self-realization?There are a large number of spiritual centers all over the world. But have we ever wondered what purpose do they serve? In today’s busy schedules we hardly get time to deliberate over these things as a result of which these questions always remain unanswered. However, you will be better off if you can squeeze some time out of your hectic schedules and understand the science behind self-realization. It will only help you and your family in the long run.

The Concept

The society and the people around you will identify you by your name, surname and by a ton of other things which you possess after you become a part of this planet. But, have you ever asked yourself this million dollar question to yourself? “Who am I?”  Self-realization is a process where you get an answer to this question. It helps you to connect with your inner soul and explore the wonders of spiritual world with utmost bliss. Through self-realization you can very easily achieve the following which people have been trying to do since ages:

1.    It is a gateway to eternal happiness in true sense of the term.

2.    Complete freedom from worries and tensions.

3.    Helps you to strike the right kind of balance between personal and professional lives.

4.    Tranquility will always be restored under all circumstances.

The six golden mantras to achieve self-realization

The job is only half done if you only have a fundamental idea about self-realization but you don’t know the ways and means to achieve it. From the standpoint of spirituality, there are six steps to achieve self-realization also known as the golden mantras of self-realization. These mantras have been explained below:

Transformation:  Self- realization is more of a spiritual process rather than a physical one hence transformation plays a pivotal role and is often categorized as the first step towards achieving self-realization. It is the willingness of a person to live beyond his physical form. It requires a lot of practice and most importantly the person should believe that he is not only physically present in this planet buthas a spiritual presence as well.

Thoughts:  They say “Our thoughts lead to actions” and this is completely true when you try to attain self-realization. Your thoughts should always be positive and any kind of negative thought will act as a barrier in achieving self -realization.

Have this belief that nothing around you is imperfect:  This is one of the most important of all the mantras. You need to believe that the universe is entirely perfect and there are no classifications or sub-classifications. All are being treated equally. This kind of thought is of paramount importance if you truly want to achieve self-realization.

Stay detached:  Attachment is the root of all worries and sorrows. Hence it goes without saying that attachment is directly proportional to the sorrows of your lives. Therefore, you should always try and stay detached as much as you possibly could.

You are one: Always have this belief of oneness and make yourself aware that there aren’t any differences. At the end of the day we all are human beings irrespective of our caste, creed or religion.

Learn to forgive more: Forgiveness is that stage where we completely give up on our grudges or wants and just free ourselves from the orbit of hatred and jealousy.

To sum up in a nutshell, self-realization is the corridor to achieve eternal happiness and you should make it an integral part of your daily lives. It has a wide reach in the world of spirituality. ‘Home at Last’ by Sarada is a popular book which gives a thorough insight into self-realization. Book Home At Last today and find out more about Self Realization Fellowship being offered in your city by a spiritual centre.

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